




  • 七七云1
  • 正片



There is something that I should like to say. That is, there is something I should very much like you to understand. I do not have the slightest desire to kill you. The only reason I would do so is self-defence. However, since you are aware I might kill you in self-defence, there is a strong possibility you will kill me in self-defence. Dose rather make me wish you understood English; or that I spoke German. War is hell, eh?

Look at my Tardis. Have I been burgled?

You are me? No no

Yes, I am very much afraid so.

Do I become you?

Well there is a few false starts, but you get there in the end.

But I thought, well, I assumed, I’d get younger.

I am younger!

I am the Doctor. And this is my nurse.

Excuse me?

I realise that seems a little improbable.

Oh, yes.

Because he is a man.


Older gentlemen, like women, can be put to use.


Not a restaurant for the French!

An Audio screwdriver?

Sunglasses? Indoors???

What’s browser history hhhhhhhhhh

I hope it doesn’t offend you to know that I have some experiences of the fair sex.

Me too.

Good lord.

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